Saturday, August 27, 2011

Big Brother Recap: Double Eviction

Nothing turns the Big Brother house upside down quite like a surprise double eviction. Because it all plays out live, we get to see very little of the houseguests playing the game in fast-forward, but there was enough tension in the moments we did see to fill three seasons of the show? So, who was left standing when the dust cleared? And who will join Brendon in the jury house? Let's find out.But first: I guess I've never noticed in the 10 seasons I've been watching the show, but does the studio audience always look so robotic while smiling and clapping. It's been even more distracting than usual this season, which makes me wonder if it's gotten worse. Anyway...We pick up immediately after Jeff backdoored Daniele, who vows to campaign hard to stay, no matter if that means her friend Kalia has to go home. Confident that she has Porsche's vote, she begins to work on Shelly to see if she can persuade this season's biggest snake to slither back to Daniele's side of the house. Daniele makes a compelling argument: Jordan and Rachel are almost definite contenders for the final two because whoever is left in the game would take Jordan and Rachel to guarantee a win. (It's unlikely the jury would give Jordan another $500,000 and, well, everybody hates Rachel.) That said, neither Shelly or Daniele can stomach the thought of giving Rachel, "a completely disgusting human being" $50,000. So, Shelly decides to secure another swing vote.She first goes after Adam by explaining that as long as they are on Team Jeff and Jordan, they will lose out in the end. (There's no way that Jeff or Jordan would chose either Adam or Shelly for the finals.) Adam agrees, but he trusts Jeff and Jordan whereas he believes Daniele will eventually turn on him. (He's right, but also, Adam hasn't made any decisions for himself in this game. Or as Daniele says, "Adam uses Jeff's brain.")So, Shelly goes to work on Rachel the best way possible: She makes Rachel believe Jeff caused Brendon's eviction. Shelly tells Rachel that Jeff threw the power of veto (which is true) rather than trying to win and save Brendon. Rachel suggests that if Daniele stayed, she and Jeff would continue to fight, which would allow Rachel to not be a target for at least another week . "Who woulda thunk?" Daniele asks. "I just got a glimmer of hope in red extensions and furry boots."Unfortunately, that glimmer wasn't bright enough. Although Julie informs viewers that the house exploded earlier in the day when Shelly revealed that she has switched sides of the house, she was unable to sway Adam and Rachel. So, Daniele is evicted by a 3-2 vote. She has no regrets, and she is able to laugh off that Rachel calls her a an "arrogant, rude, horrible bi---" in her goodbye message.Here's what I don't get: Why would Shelly so publicly flip sides? I understand she believes she can't beat Jeff and Jordan in the end, but why not slowly turn against them instead of clearly flipping sides. How does anyone trust her now that she's proven she'll drop when it best suits her?What happens next is a blur of competitions and commercials. (Seriously, it's like they packed in a week's worth of ads as well!) First up is the Head of Household competition, which tests the houseguests memory of events of the summer. It ultimately comes down to Kalia and Jordan, and Kalia pulls out the victory. Moments later, she rather unsurprisingly nominates Rachel and Jeff for eviction.So, it comes down to the veto competition. Based on random draw, everyone plays except Jordan, which isn't a good thing for Jeff. The game is simple: Retrieve two clown shoes from a giant pit of plastic balls first and you win. Rachel jumps out to the early lead, but Porsche, Shelly and Adam even things up. Jeff finally gets his first shoe but moments later Porsche finds her second and strolls on to win the veto. (She kept saying she wanted to win something!)At the veto ceremony, neither Rachel nor Jeff begs for the veto, which is smart since Porsche probably isn't going to use it anyway. And, indeed, she doesn't. We don't get to see whatever last-ditch pleas are made, except for a brief snippet of Jeff asking Shelly for a clean start. She refuses, saying Jordan won't even speak to her. (Well, why would she, traitor?) Jeff begs Shelly to respect how he has played the game and what he and Jordan have done for her. (While it's a nice sentiment, you can't blame Shelly for looking out for herself. Teaming with Jeff doesn't lead to money in the end for Shelly. Sad but true for Jeff/Jordan fans.)So, the vote comes down to a 2-2 tie. (Porsche and Shelly vote to evict Jeff while Adam and a teary-eyed Jordan vote to evict Rachel.) That means HOH Kalia makes the tie-breaking vote, and in the interest of her own game, she votes out the biggest threat: Jeff is evicted.He's obviously upset in his quick chat with Julie. And perhaps for good reason: He was evicted by the votes of a floater. You would think he would have learned two summers ago, when he was almost instantly evicted after backdooring Russell. Looks like when Jeff makes big moves, he goes home. As I said last night, I think keeping Daniele around one more week would have been the right move for Jeff. Not saying she wouldn't have booted him in the double eviction if given the chance, but the way it went down, this result was almost predictable. The real takeaway is this: From here on out, if you want to stay, you have to win competitions.So, what did you think of the double eviction? How much crap do you think Daniele will give Jeff in the jury house? Who do you want to win the next HOH? Who do you think will win? Vote in our poll and share your comments below. show less

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